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реферат на тему: Алгоритмы

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every point of the graph, with two possible exceptions, must be at the junction of an even number of lines. It is not hard to understand why a graph cannot have an Eulerian path unless it meets these conditions. All regions of the graph must be connected to one another if there is to be any path that traverses all the lines. Each point must have an even number of lines because half of them are required to reach the point and the other half to leave it. Two points with an odd number of lines can be allowed if they are chosen as the starting and finishing points of the path. Demonstrating that any graph that meets these conditions actually has an Eulerian path requires a somewhat more complicated argument, which we shall not present here, but Euler was able to give a rigorous proof. It is an easy matter to express Euler's solution to this problem in an algorithm that could be executed by a computer. The first requirement, connectivity, can be established by marking some point of the graph, then similarly marking all points connected to it by lines, then all the points connected to the newly marked points, and so on. The graph is connected if at the end all points have been marked. The second requirement is just as easily tested: the machine is instructed to examine each point of the graph and count the number of lines that terminate at that point. If no more than two of the points have an odd number of lines, the graph has an Eulerian path. The park at Koenigsberg met the first condition but not the second, and so there was no Eulerian tour of the seven bridges. Euler's method is unquestionably the more economical approach to the problem of Koenigsberg bridges: it requires that each point and line of the graph be listed just once, whereas the exhaustive search is not completed until every path that crosses all the bridges has been listed. The number of such paths is much larger than the number of points and lines in the graph. In that sense Euler's method is the better algorithm, but how much better? How can the difference be measured and how can one fell if the difference is significant? For a graph with only four points and seven lines both techniques are fast enough to be considered practical. Suppose, however, that more islands and bridges were added to the park, or in other words that more points and lines were added to graph. If the problem is being solved by Euler's method, each new point merely adds one item to the list of points that must be checked. If the paths are to be examined by exhaustive search, on the other hand, then with each new point and line the size of the list is multiplied by some factor. A moderate increase in the size of the graph results in an explosive increase in the number of paths. Ultimately the list of paths 'must become prohibitively long. In this comparison of the two solutions to Euler's problem there is the basis for a completely general method of evaluating the speed or practicality or efficiency of any algorithm. We imagine that the algorithm is supplied with larger and larger inputs, and we note the rate at which the execution time of the algorithm increases. In this way it is possible to make unequivocal judgments of algorithms. Exhaustive search not only is a slower method; in general it is too slow to be of any value. Euler's method remains practical for problems of essentially unlimited size. As the size of the graphs being examined increases, the lists produced by the method of
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exhaustive search grow exponentially. Each time some fixed number of points and lines are added to the graph the size of the list doubles. Growth of this kind can be described by a mathematical function such as 2^n, where n is some measure of the size of the graph. Many other functions have similar or even higher rates of growth. Among them are n^n and n! ( which is read as "n factorial" and signifies n multiplied by all the integers between 1 and n). For the purposes of this discussion all these functions can be regarded as having the same property of exponential growth. Mathematical functions of another kind are known as polynomials. The simplest members of this class are linear functions, such as 3n, which designate a simple relation of proportionality. The time needed to solve the problem of Koenigsberg bridges by Euler's method increases as a linear function of the size of the graph. Other polynomials are n^2, n^3 and so on, and the sums of such functions. What distinguishes polynomials from exponential functions is that n never appears in an exponent. For sufficiently large values of n any exponential function will overtake and exceed any polynomial function. It was the certainty of this result that dismayed 'Ihomas Malthus when he compared the exponential rate of population growth with the polynomial rate of increase in the food supply. For small values of n a given polynomial function may well exceed a given exponential one, but there is always a value of n beyond which the exponential function is the greater. The exact form of the polynomial makes little difference, except in changing the point at which the polynomial function is overtaken. It is now generally agreed by computer scientists that algorithms whose execution time increases exponentially as a function of the size of the input are not of practical value. We shall call algorithms of this kind "exponential time" algorithms, or simply inefficient algorithms. The only algorithms that are considered fast or efficient enough for general application are "polynomial time" algorithms. Of course, even among efficient algorithms some are faster than others, but for the purposes of this discussion it is important only to distinguish polynomial-time algorithms as a class from exponential-time algorithms. Moreover, this system of classification has the advantage that it makes the speed of an algorithm a property of the algorithm itself and independent of the machine on which it is executed. For sufficiently large problems a polynomial-time algorithm executed on even the slowest machine will find an answer sooner than an exponential-time algorithm on the fastest computer.

The mathematical properties of algorithms were studied in the 1930's by the British mathematician A. M. Turing, the inventor of the imaginary computer, now called a Turing machine. The Turing machine was conceived to be an automaton equipped with an infinite supply of paper tape marked off in square regions. The machine was capable of just four actions: it could move the tape one square, it could place a mark in a square, it could erase a mark already present and at the end of a calculation it could halt. These operations were to be performed according to a sequence of instructions built into the internal mechanism. Of course, Turing never built such a machine; it was merely a conceptual device for automatically solving problems in mathematics and logic. Indeed, Turing was interested not in

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