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реферат на тему: Алгоритмы

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actually solving problems with the machine but rather in investigating what kinds of problems it could solve and what kinds it could not. Turing discovered that even a machine as simple as this one could solve any problem for which an algorithm could be devised. The computation might be laborious and indirect, but given enough time and paper tape the machine would eventually find the solution and halt. Reduced to its essentials the Turing machine is a language for stating algorithms, as powerful in principle as the more sophisticated languages now employed for communicating with computers. In addition to conceiving, these machines Turing demonstrated, their limitations. In 1936 he showed that there are problems that cannot be solved by Turing machines, and it follows that these problems cannot be solved by any automatic computer. They are problems for which algorithms cannot be written, even in principle. The example first studied by Turing is the problem of predicting whether a particular Turing machine, once it is set in motion, will ever finish its calculation and halt. Through an analysis of this problem he was able to show that there can be no general procedure for telling whether mathematical propositions are true or false. Since then a variety of other problems with the same properties have been proposed. One result of Turing's work was to divide all imaginable problems in mathematics into two classes. Those problems for which algorithms can never be written are in a formal sense permanently unsolvable. Some instances of these problems may be solved by rare perception or by luck, but a general method for their solution will never be found. All other problems in mathematics and logic can be solved by algorithms. As we have seen, however, some algorithms are more useful than others. The class of solvable problems can therefore be divided into two subgroups: those for which there are efficient, polynomial-time algorithms and those for which there are only exponential-time algorithms. Euler's problem is a member of the class with polynomial-time solutions, since Euler's method is itself a polynomial-time algorithm. Problems that can be proved to have only exponential-time algorithms are also known, although they are rather obscure. Although these two groups of problems are quite distinct, it is not always a straightforward task to assign a problem to one group or the other. Indeed, a very interesting class of problems seems to fall somewhere between them. For these problems no efficient algorithms are known and the best available solutions require exponentially increasing time, yet no one has been able to prove that the problems do not have polynomial-time solutions. One such problem was considered in the 19th century by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton. Superficially Hamilton's problem is much like Euler's .The problem is to decide whether a given graph has a path that takes in each point exactly once (whereas Euler looked for a path that traversed each line once). Actually the tasks are quite different, and Euler's method cannot be applied to Hamilton's problem. The graph derived from the plan of the park at Koenigsberg has a Hamiltonian path, although, as we have seen, it has no Eulerian path. On the other hand, removing two lines results in a graph that has an Eulerian path but not a Hamiltonian one. Many other graphs have neither kind of path.

Hamilton's problem can be solved by exhaustive
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search: indeed, the procedure is not substantially different from that employed in listing all the possible paths that might have the Eulerian property. For Hamilton's problem, however, no efficient algorithm comparable to Euler's method has been found. The problem has been pondered by many of the best mathematicians of the past century, but the most efficient methods available today are fundamentally no better than exhaustive tabulation. On the other hand, all attempts to prove that there is no better method have also failed, and it must be considered a possibility that an efficient algorithm will be discovered tomorrow. Problems that are known to have polynomial-time solutions, such as Euler's problem, are said to be members of the class P (for polynomial). Hamilton's problem is a member of another class, designated by the letters NP, signifying "nondeterministic polynomial." The class NP encompasses all the problems in P, or in other words P is a subset of NP. In addition NP includes problems whose status is less certain. They are all solvable problems in principle: they have algorithms, but for now only exponential-time algorithms are known. They may also have polynomial-time algorithms (in which case NP and P are identical) or they may prove to be permanently intractable, with only inefficient solutions. The problems considered here, and all problems classified in this way, can be described as an infinite set of similar questions each of which can be Another way of defining NP is as the class of yes-or-no problems that can be solved by guessing certificates. If one is given an instance of a problem in NP for which the answer happens to be yes, then with luck one may discover the required certificate fairly quickly by making a sequence of guesses; if the answer is no, guessing cannot possibly yield an answer any faster than an exhaustive search could. For example, in solving Hamilton's problem one might find a correct path (if there is one) on the first try by tracing small portions of the path and guessing at each stage how to proceed. Such a procedure, it should be emphasized, is not an algorithm. It could be made into an algorithm only by crossing off each trial path as it is tested and checking all possible paths, but that is equivalent to the method of exhaustive search. A mathematical procedure defined in terms of luckly guesses may seem bizarre, but it is a quite legitimate approach to defining the problems in the class NP. In principle the procedure could even be mechanized by building a device called a nondeterministic Turing machine. This device can do all that an ordinary Turing machine can do; in addition, at some points in its operation it may have more than one choice of what to do next. Such a machine would be considered to answer yes to a question if there were some sequence of choices that could lead it to a yes conclusion. NP, the class of nondeterministic polynomial-time problems, consists of precisely those problems whose yes instances can be identified by, machines making comparatively short guessing computations. The inclusion of guessing in the definition of these problems suggests strongly to many mathematicians that P and NP are not the same set and hence that efficient algorithms can never be found for the intractable problems in the class NP. If every problem in NP were actually in P, then all the guesswork and luck could be replaced by some systematic procedure without great sacrifice in time.

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